In such Brahman, the concept of distance is different from that of distance in Surah al-Nur ayah 42. On the literal meaning of 'distance' it means the position of the living beings in relation to their Creator.

It says: 'On the Day of Resurrection the ruler will be the same as the ruler on the day of Creation, and he whose dominion is done away with will be an expiring inhabitant.' They are an inhabitant only when they reach the status of being equal to God. The ruler here refers to the earthly sphere.

Distance to God is like the distance to a non-being. It is a distance that is by no means short and it has to be conquered and mastered before it can be conquered. Distance to God cannot be measured and it cannot be grasped.

To attain this level of distance, it takes a sustained effort to fulfill and achieve the objectives set forth in such surah Rahman. A single mile takes us from the entrance of the womb, to the place where we first meet our Lord.

As we take one mile, we walk towards the end of time and towards the finality of God's dominion over us. That which we attain is the distance that we approach from the point of view of the distance of this world. This is the closest thing we can come to that state.

We can also say that we have reached that distance because our intellects are refined enough to grasp the realities that are hidden in our past times. We have comprehended the true meanings of life and death, peace and war, and all of the secrets and mysteries of this world.

Our intellects are also far more evolved than those of our ancestors because they have reached such a tremendous degree of intelligence and consciousness. They have attained a status of being the children of the Creator and the subjects of His Will.

Distance is a state that can be achieved only through action and through a steady, repetitive action. It is a well-known fact that in that state nothing can exist in and around us that will not be called into existence and exist only for the sake of God.